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Fundraiser BY EOTC Charity: Let us help Ethiopians

በወቅታዊው በአገራችን እየደረሰ ያለውን የሕይወት መጥፋት፤ የንብረት መዉደምና የዜጎች መፈናቀልን አስመለክቶ የሚቻላችሁን እርዳታ እንድታደርጉ የሚጠይቀዉን መረጃ ተመልከቱ::

EOTC Charity is raising money to assist The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church reach Ethiopians in desperate need of our assistance, and donation will help make an impact.

Ethiopians are under siege by an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, leaving millions without basic needs or access to essential needs. Thousands have also left on the shelters with nowhere else to turn.

Read the letter from Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Eastern Canada here.

You can donate through the Go Fund Me Page -

Or You can also donate using Zelle through through:

Or Cash App through EOTC4Charity or through


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